Big Data Hadoop and Spark Training

It is a full-fledged hands-on Big Data Hadoop and Spark training designed by the industry experts to build your in-depth knowledge of Big Data Hadoop ecosystem and computing framework using Hadoop Map Reduce and Spark including HDFS, YARN, Sqoop, Flume, Pig, Hive, Impala, HBase, Kafka, Oozie and Zookeeper.

About The Course

altraSys’s Big Data Hadoop and Spark training course is a full-fledged hands-on training course, designed by industry experts to prepare you with in-depth knowledge of Big Data framework using Hadoop and Spark including HDFS, YARN, and Map Reduce. The course emphasizes on use cases, case studies and end-to-end workflows. This training equips the participants to get industry ready and enable them to successfully complete the Cloudera and/or Hortonworks certifications.

Why Learn “Big Data”?

The world is heading towards digitalization which means Big Data is here to stay. In fact, the importance of Big Data Analytics is going to continue growing in these coming years. Business leaders across all sectors are grappling with the strategic implications of Big Data Analytics for their organizations and industry ecosystems. Now it is the perfect time to learn and adopt the Big Data Technology and bring a qualitative transformation within you and your organization.

“Big data is at the foundation of all of the megatrends that are happening today, from social to mobile to the cloud to gaming.”

What’s in this Course?

  • In-depth knowledge of Big Data, Hadoop and Spark including different components.
  • Comprehensive knowledge of various tools that fall in Hadoop Ecosystem like Pig, Hive, Sqoop, Flume, Oozie, and Spark.
  • The capability to ingest data in HDFS using Sqoop & Flume, and analyze those large datasets stored in the HDFS
  • The exposure to many real-world industry-based projects which will be executed in our CloudLab
  • Projects which are diverse in nature covering various data sets from multiple domains such as banking, telecommunication, social media, insurance, and e-commerce
  • Rigorous involvement of a Hadoop expert throughout the Big Data Hadoop Training to learn industry standards and best practices

Training Pre-Requisites

There are no such prerequisites for Big Data Hadoop & Spark Course. However, the learning path becomes smooth if the participants have previous exposure to UNIX, SQL, and Java. It is not mandatory and we also offer a 10 Hours basic course on “Linux, SQL and Java” to brush up the required skills.

Mode of Training

  • Instructor-Led Online Training
  • Classroom Training
  • Corporate/Special Training

Commercial Pricing

Decision on price model is currently deferred till such time training duration and course coverage are discussed and decided.

altraSys Cloud Lab Access

During the training period, you will be provided a big data cloud lab for code practicing.

Additional 30 days altraSys cloud lab access will be provided after the completion of training.


Our regular course covers all the required tools to make you a big data professional.

  1. Big Data and Hadoop Ecosystem
  2. Hadoop Cluster and HDFS
  3. Hadoop Map Reduce and YARN Architecture
  4. Apache Sqoop
  5. Apache Flume
  6. Apache Pig
  7. Apache Hive
  8. Apache Impala
  9. Apache Spark Using Scala
  10. Oozie & Zookeeper
  11. Hadoop Installation
  12. Real-time Projects & Assignments


Our advanced course is designed in a way to covers all required tools in depth and make you ready to start working in a real big data project.

  1. Big Data and Hadoop Ecosystem
  2. Hadoop Cluster and HDFS
  3. Hadoop Map Reduce and YARN
  4. Apache Sqoop
  5. Apache Flume
  6. Apache Pig
  7. Apache Hive
  8. Apache Impala
  9. HBase
  10. Apache Spark (with Machine Learning & GraphX)
  11. Apache Kafka
  12. Oozie & Zookeeper
  13. Hadoop Administration Essentials
  14. Real-time Projects & Assignments

Why should I learn Big Data Hadoop and Spark from altraSys?

altraSys is the pioneer in Big Data Hadoop training. This is an all-in-one Hadoop, Spark and Scala training designed to assist you to grow rapidly in your career.


All forward-looking organizations need a big data strategy and solution developer to understand tomorrow’s market trends to position themselves on competitive advantages. Today there has been a critical gap between demand and availability of trained hands to analyze the big data by entering enterprise Big Data Hadoop eco-system on daily basis. It has become a truth and fact of the life for corporate leaders to struggle to hire talents to manage and overcome the shortage of trained entering enterprise Hadoop eco-system on daily basis. Opting Hadoop Training can turn out to be a promising opportunity for you to spice up your career and organizations. Hadoop certification is targeted for professional aspiring to accelerate career growth in Big Data analytics. Why not it is ’U’?

Big Data Hadoop, Spark and Scala Certification

This course is designed for clearing the following certification exams:

  • Cloudera Spark and Hadoop Developer Certification (CCA175)
  • Cloudera CCA Administrator Exam (CCA131)

The entire course content is in line with respective certification programs and helps you clear the requisite certification exams with ease and get the best jobs in top MNCs.

As part of this training, you will be working on real-time projects and assignments that have immense implications in the real-world industry scenarios, thus helping you fast-track your career effortlessly.

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